Monday, January 31, 2011

ESSR 2011

Το συνέδριο θα διεξαχθεί στο συνεδριακό κέντρο TERRA MARIS στη Χερσόνησο της Κρήτης, από 9 έως 11 Ιουνίου.
for more information: ESSR2011

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Radiology Joystick for a More Natural Image Viewing

Professor David Lomas of the Department of Radiology at the University of Cambridge and Dr Martin Graves of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have developed a new 3D joystick for browsing volumetric computer tomography images.The inspiration came from the way ultrasound transducers are operated by gliding it around the target area. See for yourself in this video:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

MRI scans live birth

Berlin’s Charité Hospital has achieved a world-first by creating MRI images of a baby being born in order to provide extraordinary insights into the birthing process.

A team comprised of obstetricians, radiologists and engineers have built an “open” MRI scanner that allows a mother-to-be to fit fully into the machine and give birth there, the hospital announced on Tuesday.The MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner has already taken unique images of the body of a mother and the movement of her baby through the birth canal to the point where its head emerges into the world. The birth that took place in the scanner went smoothly and both mother and baby were in good health, a hospital spokeswoman said.The birth was the culmination of a two-year project by the research team. MRI uses powerful magnets to magnetise some atoms in the body which makes them detectable to radio waves. Importantly, it can make cross-section images of a subject, showing intricate detail of soft tissue and bones in the body.The team built a special “open MRI” scanner, a new type of machine whose open structure had the necessary space for the mother to give birth.The new machine will enable the researchers to study in greater detail how the baby moves through the mother’s pelvis and down the birth canal – issues that have long been studied and debated. The hospital’s Institute for Radiology and Obstetrics Clinic will work closely together on the project.Among other benefits, it should help researchers to understand why about 15 percent of pregnant women need a Caesarian section because the baby does not progress properly into the birth canal.

The Local/dw

Philips Ingenuity TF PET/MR Combo Gets European Regulatory Approval

Philips has received the European CE Mark for its Ingenuity TF PET/MR system. The two imaging modalities are physically separate in the system, with a moving and rotating table passing the patient from one machine to the other. Philips believes that this approach allows for greater overall resolution and provides the benefit of using either modality independently as stand-alone machines.

Radiology museum

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Μηνυμα για το καρκινο του μαστου

Απλα δειτε το....

1st European Day of Radiology

        1st European Day of Radiology                                                                            

Radiographic positioning videos


Σάββατο, 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2011, 09:00 - 14:00, Δώμα Ευαγγελισμού


Xbox and Hands-free CT images

Imagine that you have to review radiological images during surgery or angioplasty with bloody gloves on, without having to touch any buttons or joysticks. This would help preserve sterility....

Όροι, προϋποθέσεις, όργανα και διαδικασία χορήγησης αδειών σκοπιμότητας και αδειών λειτουργίας για εγκατάσταση και λειτουργία μηχανημάτων ιοντιζουσών και μη ιοντιζουσών ακτινοβολιών.